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Remote control

The device listenes for remote control commands on LoRaWAN Port 2. Multiple commands per downlink are possible by concatenating them, but must not exceed a maximum of 10 bytes per downlink.


Settings can be stored in NVRAM to make them persistant (reloaded during device startup / restart). To store settings, use command 0x21.

Send for example 83 86 as Downlink on Port 2 to get battery status and time/date from the device.

Remote Control

0x01 set scan RSSI limit

1 ... 255 used for wifi and bluetooth scan radius (greater values increase scan radius, values 50...110 make sense)
0 = RSSI limiter disabled [default]

0x02 set counter mode

0 = cyclic unconfirmed, mac counter reset after each wifi scan cycle, data is sent only once [default]
1 = cumulative counter, mac counter is never reset
2 = cyclic confirmed, like 0 but data is resent until confirmation by network received

0x03 set GPS data on/off

0 = GPS data off
1 = GPS data on, sends GPS data on port 4 (default, use port 1 for mobile pax counter), if GPS is present and has a fix

0x04 set display on/off

0 = display off
1 = display on [default]

0x05 set LoRa datarate

0 ... 15 see LoRaWAN regional parameters for details [default: 5]

Example for EU868:

DataRate    Configuration           Bit/s
0           LoRa: SF12 / 125 kHz    250
1           LoRa: SF11 / 125 kHz    440
2           LoRa: SF10 / 125 kHz    980
3           LoRa: SF9 / 125 kHz     1760
4           LoRa: SF8 / 125 kHz     3125
5           LoRa: SF7 / 125 kHz     5470
6*          LoRa: SF7 / 250 kHz     11000
7*          FSK: 50 kbps            50000
8 .. 14     reserved for future use (RFU)
15          ignored (device keeps current setting)

*) not supported by TheThingsNetwork

0x06 set LoRa TXpower

0 ... 255 desired TX power in dBm [default: 14]

0x07 set LoRa Adaptive Data Rate mode

0 = ADR off
1 = ADR on [default]

If ADR is set to off, SF value is shown inverted on display.

0x08 do nothing

useful to clear pending commands from LoRaWAN server quere, or to check RSSI on device

0x09 reset functions (send this command UNconfirmed only to avoid boot loops!)

0 = restart device (coldstart)
1 = (reserved, currently does nothing)
2 = reset device to factory settings and restart device
3 = flush send queues
4 = restart device (warmstart)
8 = reboot device to maintenance mode (local web server)
9 = reboot device to OTA update via Wifi mode

0x0A set payload send cycle

5 ... 255 payload send cycle in seconds/2
e.g. 120 -> payload is transmitted each 240 seconds [default]

0x0B set Wifi channel hopping interval timer

0 ... 255 duration for scanning a wifi channel in seconds/100
e.g. 50 -> each channel is scanned for 500 milliseconds [default]
0 means no hopping, scanning on fixed single channel WIFI_CHANNEL_1

0x0C set Bluetooth channel switch interval timer

0 ... 255 duration for scanning a bluetooth advertising channel in seconds/100
e.g. 8 -> each channel is scanned for 80 milliseconds [default]

0x0D set wakeup sync window

bytes 1..2 = wakeup sync window size in seconds (MSB), 0..255 (0 = no wakuep sync)
e.g. {0x02, 0x58} -> device adjusts it's wakeup time when it is +/- 5 minutes from top-of-hour [default = 0]

0x0E set Bluetooth scanner

0 = disabled
1 = enabled [default]

0x0F set WIFI antenna switch (works on LoPy/LoPy4/FiPy only)

0 = internal antenna [default]
1 = external antenna

0x10 set RGB led luminosity (works on LoPy/LoPy4/FiPy and LoRaNode32 shield only)

0 ... 100 percentage of luminosity (100% = full light)
e.g. 50 -> 50% of luminosity [default]

0x11 set Wifi scanner channel map bitmask

bytes 1..2 = wifi channel map bitmask (MSB), 0..8191
e.g. 0b1010000001001 sets channels 1, 4, 11, 13

0x13 set user sensor mode

byte 1 = user sensor number (1..3)
byte 2 = sensor mode (0 = disabled / 1 = enabled [default])

0x14 set payload mask

byte 1 = sensor data payload mask (0..255, meaning of bits see below)
    0x01 = COUNT_DATA
    0x02 = RESERVED_DATA
    0x04 = MEMS_DATA
    0x08 = GPS_DATA
    0x10 = SENSOR_1_DATA
    0x20 = SENSOR_2_DATA
    0x40 = SENSOR_3_DATA
    0x80 = BATT_DATA
bytes can be combined eg COUNT_DATA + SENSOR_1_DATA + BATT_DATA: `0x01 | 0x10 | 0x80 = 0x91`

0x15 set BME data on/off

0 = BME data off
1 = BME data on, sends BME data on port 7 [default]

0x16 set battery data on/off

0 = battery data off [default]
1 = battery data on, sends voltage on port 8

0x17 set Wifi scanner

0 = disabled
1 = enabled [default]

0x18 reserved

unused, does nothing

0x19 set sleep cycle

bytes 1..2 = device sleep cycle in seconds/10 (MSB), 0..65535 (0 = no sleep)
e.g. {0x04, 0xB0} -> device sleeps 200 minutes after each send cycle [default = 0]

0x20 load device configuration

Current device runtime configuration will be loaded from NVRAM, replacing current settings immediately (use with care!)

0x21 store device configuration

Current device runtime configuration is stored in NVRAM, will be reloaded after restart

0x80 get device configuration

Device answers with it's current configuration on Port 3.

0x81 get device status

Device answers with it's current status on Port 2.

0x83 get battery status

Device answers with battery voltage on Port 8.

0x84 get device GPS status

Device answers with it's current status on Port 4.

0x85 get BME280 / BME680 sensor data

Device answers with BME sensor data set on Port 7.

0x86 get time/date

Device answers with it's current time on Port 2:

bytes 1..4 = time/date in UTC epoch seconds (LSB)
byte 5 = time source & status, see below

    bits 0..3 time source
        0x00 = GPS
        0x01 = RTC
        0x02 = LORA
        0x03 = unsynched
        0x04 = set (source unknown)

    bits 4..7 esp32 sntp time status

0x87 sync time/date

Device synchronizes it's time/date by calling the preconfigured time source.

0x88 set time/date

bytes 1..4 = time/date to set in UTC epoch seconds (MSB, e.g.